
All services have been restored and call connectivity has improved.

Our system suffered from an extensive DDOS attack starting 08:30 UTC, today. Though this issue did not cause a wide scale outage, we've dealt with it on priority.

We're going to continue our investigation into it to ensure no DDOS attacks are incurred from the similar source. And we've put few extra safeguards in place to keep things stable.

We thank you for you patience and apologize if any inconvenience was caused.

Regards ConnexCS Team

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We have put some protection in place to mitigate this attack, and we can now see that some of the SIP servers are back online & calls have started to connect.

We will update as we make progress.

Regards ConnexCS Team

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We are sorry to inform you that we are in the middle of a DDOS attack and we are working on our way to mitigate the problem.

Regards ConnexCS Team

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Began at:

Affected components
  • SIP Servers
  • Database Servers
  • Core Infrastructure
  • CDR Processing